Adafruit Industries 0.1 2x36-pin Strip Right-Angle Socket (Female) Header (5 pack)
Adafruit Industries Small 1.2 8x8 Ultra Bright Pure Green LED Matrix - KWM-30881CPGB
Adafruit Industries Stereo Enclosed Speaker Set - 3W 4 Ohm
Adafruit Industries 3M Z-Axis Conductive Tape 9703 - 2x6 (50mm x 150mm) Strip
Adafruit Industries Bi-Color (Red/Green) 12-LED Bargraph - Pack of 2
Adafruit Industries 20W 4 Ohm Full Range Speaker - XS-GTF1027
Adafruit Industries On-Off Power Button / Pushbutton Toggle Switch
Adafruit Industries Premium Digital Stainless Steel Calipers
Adafruit Industries Large Enclosed Piezo Element w/Wires
Adafruit Industries 74AHCT125 - Quad Level-Shifter (3V to 5V) - 74AHCT125
Adafruit Industries Anemometer Wind Speed Sensor w/Analog Voltage Output
Adafruit Industries Carbide Square End Mill - 1/8 Shaft - 0.7mm Diameter
Adafruit Industries Super Capacitor - 2.5V 630 Farad
Adafruit Industries Leap Motion Controller with SDK
Adafruit Industries The EggBot Pro
Adafruit Industries 2.54mm/0.1 Pitch Terminal Block - 4-pin
Adafruit Industries 2.54mm/0.1 Pitch Terminal Block - 8-pin
Adafruit Industries 2.54mm/0.1 Pitch Terminal Block - 10-pin
Adafruit Industries GPIO Header for Raspberry Pi HAT - 2x20 Short Female Header
Adafruit Industries IC Socket for 40-pin 0.6 Chips - Pack of 3
Über die Marke Adafruit Industries
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