Crystek Corporation Interconnect, Cable Assembly;RF, SMA-BNC;M/M;RG174;36"
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Standard Clock;100.0MHz;3.3V;9.14x14.2mm
Crystek Corporation Frequency, Oscillator;VCXO;100MHz;5.0V;Sine-Wave;9x14 SMD
Crystek Corporation Frequency, Oscillator;VCXO;125MHz;5.0V;Sine-Wave;9x14 SMD
Crystek Corporation 100.000MHXz Clock Oscillator
Crystek Corporation 38.880MHz TCXO
Crystek Corporation RF Cable Assemblies
Crystek Corporation CATTEN-0140
Crystek Corporation RF LAB KIT-001
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Voltage Controlled, 1100 to 2100MHz, 10VDC, 1 to 20VDC Vtune, SMD
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Voltage Controlled, 1400 to 1624MHz, 5VDC, 0.3 to 5.5VDC Vtune, SMD
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Voltage Controlled, 1520 to 1635MHz, 5VDC, 0.5 to 4.5VDC Vtune, SMD
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Voltage Controlled, 1600 to 2700MHz, 10VDC, 1 to 20VDC Vtune, SMD, +5dBm
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Voltage Controlled, 1750 to 2150MHz, 5VDC, 0.3 to 4.7VDC Vtune, SMD
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Voltage Controlled, 1785 to 1900MHz, 5VDC, 0.3 to 4.7VDC Vtune, SMD
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Voltage Controlled, 2060 to 2300MHz, 5VDC, 0 to 5VDC Vtune, SMD, 65MHz/V
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Voltage Controlled, 600 to 660MHz, 5VDC, 0.3 to 4.7VDC Vtune, SMD
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Voltage Controlled, 155.52MHz, 3.3VDC, SMD, -140 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz
Crystek Corporation Oscillator, Voltage Controlled, 77.76MHz, 3.3VDC, SMD, -140 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz
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