Schmersal Interlock, Keyed, plastic body, 1)NC/1)NO contacts
Schmersal Interlock, Keyed, 3)NC Contacts, 30 N Latching Force
Schmersal Actuator Key, Angled, for AZ 17 & AZM 170 Interlocks
Schmersal Actuator Key, Straight, for AZM 161 interlocks
Schmersal Safety Controller, 3 safety contacts, 4signalling outputs
Schmersal Actuating Magnet for Coded Magnet BNS 16
Schmersal Actuator Key, Flexible, for AZ 15 & AZ 16 Interlocks
Schmersal Interlock, Keyed, 1)NO/1)NC Contacts, 30 N Latching Force
Schmersal Foot Switch, Metal, 2NO/2NC, M20 x 1.5, Screw Terminals, TFH232 Series
Schmersal Safety Sensor, Coded Magnet, 2) NC Contacts, LED, Left Hand Door
Schmersal Safety Sensor, Coded Magnet, 2) NC Contacts, Right Hand Door, Intgrtd Connecto
Schmersal Actuating Magnet, 90 Degree Actuating Plane for Coded Magnet BNS 260
Schmersal Actuator Key, Straight with Magnetic Latch, for AZ 15 & AZ 16 Interlocks
Schmersal Interlock, Keyed, plastic body, 2)NC contacts
Schmersal AZM170 Solenoid Interlock Switch 24V AC/DC
Schmersal AZ17 Safety-Rated Interlock Switch, Fibreglass, 2NC
Schmersal Actuating Magnet, same Actuating Plane for Coded Magnet BNS 36
Schmersal Actuator Key, Flexible, for AZ 15 & AZ 16 Interlocks
Schmersal Actuator for RFID Safety Sensor RSS36
Schmersal Actuator Key, Straight with Ball Latch, for AZ 15 & AZ 16 Interlocks
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