Adafruit Industries Premium Male/Male Jumper Wires - 40 x 3 (75mm)
Adafruit Industries Stacking Header for Pi A+/B+/Pi 2/Pi 3 - 2x20 Extra Tall Header
Adafruit Industries GPIO Header for RaspberryPi A+/B+/Pi 2/Pi 3 - Tall 2x20 Female Header
Adafruit Industries Mini Solderless Breadboard - 2x4 Points
Adafruit Industries Premium Female/Female Jumper Wires - 40 x 3 (75mm)
Adafruit Industries Raspberry Pi - Skill badge iron-on patch
Adafruit Industries JST-PH Battery Extension Cable - 500mm
Adafruit Industries Miniature TTL Serial JPEG Camera with NTSC Video
Adafruit Industries Premium Male/Male Jumper Wires - 20 x 12 (300mm)
Adafruit Industries Premium Male/Male Jumper Wires - 20 x 3 (75mm)
Adafruit Industries Diffused RGB 5mm LED (25 pack)
Adafruit Industries Super-bright 5mm IR LED (25 pack) - 940nm
Adafruit Industries RGB backlight positive LCD 16x2 + extras - black on RGB
Adafruit Industries High Brightness Pink Electroluminescent (EL) Wire - 2.5 meters - High brightness
Adafruit Industries High Brightness Aqua Electroluminescent (EL) Wire - 2.5 meters - High brightness
Adafruit Industries High Brightness White Electroluminescent (EL) Wire - 2.5 meters - High brightnes
Adafruit Industries 2.1mm to 1.7mm DC jack adapter
Adafruit Industries Solder Spool - 1/4 lb SAC305 RoHS lead-free / 0.031 rosin-core - 0.25 lb / 100
Adafruit Industries Pocket Autoranging Digital Multimeter
Adafruit Industries NTSC/PAL (Television) TFT Display - 3.5 Diagonal
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