Adafruit Industries T-Connector For Silicone Tubing - 5 Pack
Adafruit Industries Silicone Tubing for Air Pumps and Valves - 3mm ID - 1 Meter Long
Adafruit Industries 6V Air Valve with 2-pin JST PH Connector - FA0520E
Adafruit Industries Large Ultrasonic (Sonar) Sensor with Horn and UART Output
Adafruit Industries Clear Acrylic Enclosure + Hardware Kit for Adafruit CLUE
Adafruit Industries Pimoroni HAT Hacker HAT - PIM511
Adafruit Industries Mini Basic PIR Sensor - BS412
Adafruit Industries Generic 64 Mbit Serial Pseudo SRAM - 3.3V 133 MHz
Adafruit Industries Alternating Multi Pole Magnetic Strip - 1 meter long
Adafruit Industries Adafruit BH1750 Light Sensor - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
Adafruit Industries MPM3610 3.3V Buck Converter Breakout - 21V In 3.3V Out at 1.2A
Adafruit Industries Basic Fingerprint Sensor With Socket Header Cable
Adafruit Industries Adafruit 2.13 Monochrome E-Ink Bonnet for Raspberry Pi - THINK INK
Adafruit Industries Adafruit Micro SD SPI or SDIO Card Breakout Board - 3V ONLY!
Adafruit Industries Adafruit TMP235 - Plug-and-Play STEMMA Analog Temperature Sensor - TMP235
Adafruit Industries Adafruit SHARP Memory Display Breakout - 2.7 400x240 Monochrome
Adafruit Industries Adafruit LSM6DSO32 6-DoF Accelerometer and Gyroscope - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
Adafruit Industries ATTEN 65-Watt Soldering Iron With Digital Adjustable Temperature - ST-2065D
Adafruit Industries Black Rubber Joystick Nubbin Cap for Navigation Joystick
Adafruit Industries Air Pump and Vacuum DC Motor - 4.5 V and 2.5 LPM - ZR370-02PM
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